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My dad and his best friend.
♥ 27-2-1953 - † 31-5-2024

My name is André van Weert born Friday 01-06-1973 Almelo The Netherlands my parents are Jantje van Weert (mother) and Johannes Willi Kottier (father),

First Computer


My first computer was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum around 1985 I remember the magazines where you had to type over the code for your computer like, Computer Totaal/Hobby Computer Club Magazine hours and hours of typing and then nothing because of a typo somewhere in your code. The use of Audio cassettes on your compact cassette players/recorders, what a relief when we could use the floppy drives. Then the schoolyard trading started to trade games or software. Running home from school to see your new games loading waiting and then....,,, fail due to wear or bad sectors.

I have seen all these things and I'm getting old.

IBM PS/1 model 2133


When i remember correctly in the year 1992, i bought my first computer IBM PS/1 model 2133

Prince of Persia
