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Sidebar Typing MediaWiki:Sidebar in search bar, and validating with Enter.
Common.css Typing MediaWiki:Common.css in search bar, and validating with Enter.
This hides the [Discussion] tab on pages.
/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */ #ca-talk { display: none !important; }
This hides the footer (Vector skin)
/* remove some */ #footer-places-privacy { display: none; } #footer-places-about { display: none; } #footer-places-disclaimer { display: none; } /* Or remove them all*/ #footer-places { display: none; }
This hides the tools from the sidebar (Vector skin)
#p-tb { display: none; }
Mainpage Typing MediaWiki:Mainpage in search bar, and validating with Enter.
Poweredby logo This hides the Poweredby logo on pages.
# Edit LocalSettings.php and add line: unset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby'] );
- navigation
- mainpage|mainpage-description
- recentchanges-url|recentchanges
- randompage-url|randompage
- helppage|help-mediawiki